We’ve gotten some incredible feedback from the experiments we ran in the middle school the past few weeks. The technical “design challenge” has come to an end but part of my team and I have decided to take this much further. Yesterday we presented to faculty in the Middle School about partnering with them to pilot a more professional project development program. Our plan is to spend November and December working with an expert (or experts) to learn and develop a professional product development process as well as take the enormous amount of feed back that we got in our first round of experiments to create a second iteration prototype. Then, starting in January we plan to implement a new prototype each month through March getting feedback along the way. After March, our goal is to produce a final product that we can implement during events in the summer and the following school year.

We understand however, that this plan is not something that is set in stone. We may find when meeting with a professional that we need to take a different approach. We may find that we’re solving for the wrong problem and have to start all over again, but this is all just a part of the Design Thinking process.

We received a resounding “YES” from those that we presented to and can’t wait to embark on a more professional design process!

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